Swallows at FMovies. In this warm hearted farce, local boy Eddie returns to the small California town where he grew up, setting in motion a comedy of Eros. Eddie spots and falls for local handyman Jeff. Handyman Jeff works for Hank who runs the Swallows restaurant. Hank's long ago ex, Pietro, is returning to cater a wedding, while Eddie takes a temporary job as a cook in order to get his chance with Jeff. Meanwhile Jeff lives at home with his straight brother Paul who's getting married but Paul's also having an affair with an older woman, Eddie's mom.
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- Director: Harvey Marks
- Cast: Stephen Macht, Joel Brooks, Kevin McCorkle, Mark Kiely, Matthew Kimbrough, Susan Kellermann, Justina Machado, Viveka Davis, Gary Mauro, Glen Mauro, Vincent Grant, Damali Scott, Ernest M. Garcia,